Music for your Mouth: The Jam

The Jam! Another one of those bands that I’m sure you know, even if you don’t think you do. Have a listen and I swear you will.

I am running out of wind a little with MoFo now, though am on the final stretch. Just one week to go! It has been really fun, but also really time consuming, as you can all understand. I have posted every day this year, which I hope I can carry through the last week. Ahhhhhhhh. I’m sure there will be a collective sigh of relief at the end of the month, combined with the disappointment of no longer having a never-ending supply of wacky themed recipes and delicious posts. Until next year!

Anyway, I’m jumping the gun a little. Let’s get back to the food.

Pretty straight to the point recipe here – jam. Lately I have noticed a lot of talk about chia jam. I watched with amazement as Veganopoulous and Johanna at Green Gourmet Giraffe whipped up batches of the stuff. As soon as I realised just how simple it was, I was in. And I’m so glad I was! This is so easy and delicious, and isn’t overpoweringly sweet. The chia seeds remind me of raspberry seeds, just like in my Granny’s homemade jam.


Apple Berry Chia Jam
(makes 2 jars)

3 cups strawberries, chopped
1 cup raspberries
2 green apples, peeled, cored and chopped or grated

1 Tbsp lemon juice
3 Tbsp agave nectar
1 vanilla bean
3 Tbsp chia seeds

Place strawberries, raspberries, apple, lemon juice and agave nectar in a pot and heat over medium-low heat. The apple can be chopped or grated, depending on whether you like chunks in your jam or prefer it smoother. As we are not using kilos of sugar like you do in normal jam, you may not wish to add the lemon juice. I like the tartness, however if your fruit is not very sweet it might be too much. If you need to add more agave to sweeten your fruit to your liking, do so.

Allow fruit to cook down slowly – it can be helpful to put a lid on for the first while to steam it a little. As it cooks, use a fork to mash it up a bit. Once it has broken down a bit, scrape the vanilla bean out of the pod and add it to the pot, throwing the empty bean in there too. Continue to cook until the fruit has pretty much all broken down.

Turn off the heat and stir in chia seeds. Allow to sit for ten minutes until the chias expand. If you would like the jam thicker, add more chias.




  1. Hannah says:

    I know what you mean! Blogging everyday is intense. I missed one, but I’ll be posting twice in one day to reach my 30. I’m determined. The jam looks amazing aaaaaand I nominated you for a Liebster award!

    1. It’s like a part-time job isn’t it? I think I’ll need a holiday when it’s over! Good on you for going for 30 – I hope I get there too! Thanks so much for the nomination – I’ve had a couple in the last week or so, so I will address it after MoFo 🙂

  2. Hannah says:

    Boo – I’ve been having issues with commenting on wordpress lately. So, if you didn’t receive my last comment I basically agreed that MoFo is getting difficult, and your jam looks delicious, and I nominated you for a Liebster award. If you get two comments from me I apologize 🙂

    1. How funny – your comments were in my spam, which is strange! I’ve removed them so hopefully it doesn’t happen again!

  3. Rosie says:

    This jam looks perfect. The colour, texture and flavours look really appealing. I’ve really enjoyed your MoFo posts, so creative.

    1. Aw thanks Rosie! I was surprised by how good this was – I really like the slight tartness rather than overpowering sweetness.

  4. I think my favourite song by The Jam is That’s Entertainment – such a great band – and love your take on chia seed jam – I have to try it with apple

    1. Ah yes! I almost put that song up instead – so good 😀

  5. oooh love the apples in that!

    1. I had always wanted to make jam with apples, I think it worked really well!

  6. I’ve been looking forward to a possible The Jam post!

  7. ameyfm says:

    I haven’t tried Chia Jam yet – but I am also intrigued! I love the idea of combining strawberries apples and raspberries. Mmm. I think last week was the hardest MoFo week for me… but now that there’s “only” a week left, and the end is in sight, I feel a bit reinvigorated. Like you, I am also posting every day and it really does take some time!

    1. It’s really good – you should definitely give it a go! Yes, I’m finding it so time consuming and although I’ve had a blast I think I will be kicking back and relaxing next week. But you’re right, the final countdown gives a little extra oomph. Five days to go!

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